Crying as I am reading it and processing your words. I see You, I see me, I see and feel all the women! We need to feel fully accepted, seen and heard. We need more men like JP. You guys inspire me! I love you both! ❤️

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Crying my eyes out from the recognition towards my own internal fights as well as my own prior relationship to the male figure (as you know).

I sent this to my mom and nat because I want to enable them the beautiful insight that this text generated for me. (Thank you for giving me that, through posting this bare part of yourself).

I’m so unbelievably happy and proud of you for breaking the generational traumas that our parents unfortunately have a tendency of placing on our backs to carry. That you challenge your imprinted internal narrative and open up the "imperfect" parts of yourself to JP. It sounds like he's capable to give you the space and support to recognize the pure beauty of those sides of you. A space and support like the ones that you, according to my own experience, give to your chosen ones.

Love you and miss you!

P.s I'm surrounded by white butterflies at the Victorian garden in Berlin, as if a small part of you is here. I'll try calling you this week.

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This resonates deeply :) It feels so "wrong" to show the messy/ unpolished/ darker side but it is so freeing when you slowly start to show these parts of yourself to friends, family, anyone! work in progress always :)

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Always a work in progress. So grateful to be learning alongside you xx

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