Hi there— I’m Anna.

I’m a storyteller, design thinker, and curious soul, based between LA and Lisbon. 

I live for adventures — from traveling the globe to exploring my inner frontier — and find beauty in unraveling the world’s intricacies, particularly in the realm of human relationships.

Love, lovers, heartbreaks, and breakthroughs have all played significant roles in my journey. I’ve been drawn to emotionally unavailable men, experienced love at first sight, and navigated the complexities of open relationships. I've grown and changed in my relationships with family, learned how my relationship with my first male figure (my father) influenced many of my partner choices, and have discovered my deepest soulmate connections through the women in my life (so far, at least!).

I’ve come to see relationships as our most meaningful assignments in life—a classroom for growth, our most challenging mirrors, and a gateway to spiritual and psychological transformation. 

Relationships are our greatest mirrors

Project Love is a platform where I share the lessons I’m gathering along my journey, spanning love (of course!), relationships, psychology, and life itself. I dive into the topics that occupy my mind late at night as well as those exchanged during dinner parties and FaceTime conversations with friends. 

This journey of sharing openly with people beyond my close-knit circle is new for me. It's an experiment — or better yet, project, as the Substack name suggests — to share my inner world, focused on all types of love and reflection. Excited to have you here with me.




A little admin

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✦ I plan on sharing newsletters you twice a month, or perhaps more frequently, when inspiration strikes. Thank you for being a part of this journey, whether through reading, sharing, or supporting in other ways. ✦

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Relationships are our gateway to awakening and growth. Here, I offer lessons covering relationships, psychology, and life.


Writing at the intersection of relationships, psychology and spirituality.